TIME2SAVE: Expired coupons

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Q: What can I do with expired coupons?

A: Expired coupons should not be used in the store. However, they don't need to go to waste. I used to feel like a coupon hadn't fulfilled its life's purpose if it was just thrown in the trash. However, there is another solution. Expired manufacturer coupons can be sent to the address below. They will then be distributed to overseas military personnel, where they can be used up to 6 months after their expiration date in overseas military commissaries. This does not apply to commissaries in the continental United States, though. What a great program to get the whole family involved in. You also will receive a thank-you note several weeks after mailing your coupons. Kristi is available on our Facebook page to answer questions or give more information about this program. Coupons can be sent to:

Kristi Seigrist, Family Services Coordinator


Unit 5200, Box 105

APO, AE 09461

Phone: 011-44-1638-522641

-- Kelly Thompson and Kasey Trenum

Have a coupon question? Submit it to asktime2save@hotmail.com.