Letters to the editor

City residents need to back Littlefield

Readers of your newspaper who live outside of Hamilton County constantly search for what the people in Hamilton County believe and support about race, sex, political, social issues, etc.

We have keenly watched Ron Littlefield as mayor of Chattanooga. We believe that he is capable and honorable. Further, he does a good job for Chattanooga. To subject him to recall is unfortunate for him and the people of Chattanooga. The citizens of Chattanooga, who are concerned, should come forward and speak up about the mistake being made in this recall.

A good mayor is vital to the direction and well-being of a city. We believe Mayor Littlefield is a good and competent mayor.

Our observation is that Mayor Littlefield does such a good job that this newspaper should show support for Mayor Littlefield and oppose this recall of Mayor Littlefield.

We further urge the citizens of Chattanooga to show their support for Mayor Littlefield by voting for him on election day.


Jasper, Tenn.

Part-time officials becoming greedy

Regarding the School Board plan by Chester Bankston and others who are attempting to extract money from the taxpayers for their services:

Retirement pay for serving on the School Board? Do average, God-fearing citizens totally lose their mind when elected to public office? Do they see all the money they administer on behalf of their neighbors, friends and children of our county and think they should have some of it?

For many years, such service was not paid at all. Rather, citizens wanted to serve and did not expect compensation. And then greed set in.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to elect someone who would advocate abolishing any compensation for local part- time public service. How many candidates will we see then?


Signal Mountain

Officials' opinions of voters is small

There have been many reasons suggested for recalling the Chattanooga mayor, etc. But I think the real reason is what they have expressed as their opinion of the voters.

Councilman Manny Rico said I don't have to listen to you.

Councilman Fred Skillern said they are just a small group of people. I haven't given it any thought, and School Board member George Ricks said "We made a decision. Move on."

What they are really saying is "I can do it and you can't do anything about it. Your opinion or wants do not count."

Give me back my respect and dignity! As Shakespeare wrote, "There's something rotten in Denmark (the United States).


Return Labor Day to special status

In a few days, we shall observe the last day of the year for outdoor frivolity. Very little or no time is spent on Labor Day remembering and giving thanks to those who labor to make life easier for all of us.

So why not fondly remember and give thanks to garbage collectors, migrant workers, janitors, plumbers, postal carriers - the list could go on and on to those who get little or no recognition for all that they do?

Let's make Labor Day the special day it should be.



Sale Creek should stay in Hamilton

For those who think moving Sale Creek from Hamilton County to Rhea County would be a good idea, think again.

Rhea County has roads in great need of repair. A good example is Providence (Graysville) Road to Highway 27. The section of Providence Road in Hamilton County is well paved and marked, litter crews pick up the trash and brush cutters keep brush cut back from the roadway. All of this is done by Hamilton County; your tax dollars at work.

The section of Providence (Graysville) Road starting at the Rhea County line down to Highway 27 feels and looks like a wagon trail. There are no road markings, trash litters the scenery, and the brush is never trimmed back.

I have not met anyone who likes the emissions test. However, I have noticed not driving behind cars billowing black smoke. Clean air does have a price.

Has this business owner who started the petition realized their customers would pay more since Hamilton County's sales tax is 9.25 percent vs Rhea County's 9.75 percent?

This resident is very pleased with the services provided by Hamilton County.


Sale Creek, Tenn.

Conservatives wail against decent life

I get the impression that Sunday columnist Steve Barrett spends his entire week ingesting the vitriol of the hate-mongering, divisive Fox News pundits, then just regurgitates their biases in his own strained attempt at originality.

In the Aug. 15 Times Free Press he casts the usual worn-out aspersions on social justice, decrying "the black heart of socialism" and liberals who "envy" the rich. I'm a liberal. I don't envy the rich. I guess I'm too busy hugging trees to even think about them.

He tries to make the same lame arguments conservatives made in the days of FDR and still make today ad nauseum. They wailed that his "evil" socialism would destroy us. But for decades thereafter America enjoyed the greatest prosperity it has ever known. Evil indeed.

Forgive me for being so idealistic/socialistic/"evil" as to think that any civilized nation should have, at the least, jobs that pay a living wage, a solid infrastructure, our own non-polluting energy source, free education, clean air and water, decent housing and accessible health care for all. That is not a "nanny" state, as conservatives derisively call it. That's simply a decent life for all in what should be a decent, civilized America.


God condemns homosexual life

This is in response to the letter of Aug. 11 from a writer who seemed to think there is nothing wrong with the homosexual agenda.

We have been convinced by the ACLU and the liberal news media that the greatest wrong we can commit is to discriminate against anyone for whatever reason.

The Bible teaches us to be wise and discerning. I don't see anywhere in Scripture that we must bend over backwards to avoid discriminating against anyone. The Bible teaches discernment, but that seems to be forgotten in modern society.

If the day comes when our country condones the homosexual lifestyle as normal and acceptable, we are in grave danger of God's judgment. We read in Genesis 19 what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sinful homosexual lifestyle, and God will surely discipline this country for condoning what He condemns.

All people are welcome in our churches where they may hear the Word spoken and repent of their sins. It may not be politically correct, but we should all be more concerned about the salvation of all people than about accepting the homosexual lifestyle.


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