Cleveland City Council deadlocked

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CLEVELAND, Tenn. - The dispute over sharing sales tax revenue heads to Chancery Court Thursday.

The Cleveland City Council deadlocked this morning on a compromise proposal to postpone the hearing before Chancellor Jerri Bryant.

After a two and a half hour informal session between the majority of the Bradley County Commission and City Council Tuesday evening, Councilman Richard Banks proposed a resolution this morning. He said both sides should ask Bryant for a 90-day "continuance'' while negotiations continued.

Three council members, Banks, George Poe and Charlie McKenzie, voted in favor of continuance.

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Councilmen Avery Johnson, David May and Bill Estes voted against.

City Attorney Douglas Johnston, Jr. advised that negotiations can still continue even with a Chancery Court hearing taking place.

"So we still have some grace period to come up with a solution,'' May said.

But with appeals, Banks said, the case could continue for two more years.

County Commissioners Jeff Morelock and Terry Caywood watched the Council proceedings today.

"The county doesn't have much choice now,'' Caywood said.

"We can always come back and talk some more,'' Morelock said.