The Rant

SEXUAL HARASSMENT, huh? I'll see your Herman Cain and raise you two Bill Clintons. No, make that three Bill Clintons.

HEALTH CARE REFORM got me a free colonoscopy and lifted the limit on my physical exam. Exactly how is that a bad thing?

WHEN WILL PAYING customers finally say "This has gone far enough" to taxpayer-subsidized airlines who apparently resent our presuming to use their planes?

MAYOR RON, the people have spoken, the court has affirmed, you've been recalled. We've had enough. Do the honorable thing -- resign.

YOU THINK TEACHING is a "profession of the mediocre and the lazy?" You wouldn't last 10 minutes in my inner-city classroom. Shame on you!

BRAVO TO columnist David Cook for his articulate observations of Chattanooga local politics.

DAVID COOK'S column: "This is what democracy looks like," should more appropriately be titled, "This is what anarchy looks like."

WHAT A WASTE to see police cars monitoring traffic on Highway 27. Police resources can be much better used solving crimes, fighting gangs and drugs.

A PERSON doesn't "pasture" a church as stated in one of your recent obituaries. He "pastors" it. Hire a proofreader.

IF YOUR editor-in-chief would consider leaving the space devoted to Steve Barrett's commentary blank, it would be a much better use of space.

OKAY, SO Republicans want big, bad government to stay out of our lives -- oh, except for abortion, gun carrying, fair elections, etc.

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