Millennials get ahead by using technology

Sunday, September 25, 2011

American entrepreneurism has been around as long as the country, but that spirit is getting younger every day. Fifteen percent of self-employed Americans are younger than 35, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, and that percentage is growing.

Recent reports place the unemployment rate at 54 percent for Americans younger than 25. Members of the millennial generation are going into business for themselves. And they're using the same technologies that they've grown up with to facilitate their success.

Young entrepreneurs should look to these areas where technology can help

launch their new business:


Born in the digital age, millennials have grown up connected to the Internet, Facebook and Twitter, and texting is an everyday part of their lives. To avoid social overload and streamline communication, use tools that help bring networks together in one place.


Millennial business owners have grown up in a mobile, digital world. So have their customers and those customers will be connecting with each other in cyberspace. Youthful small-business owners are using social networking and digital media to communicate with customers about products and services.


Streamlining time spent on tasks means increased productivity - and improved profitability. Young entrepreneurs use technology to get around their PCs faster than ever with one-click access to the information they need to get their jobs done.


Security is a concern for all business owners, especially those of small businesses who can least afford the costs associated with security breaches.

- ARAContent