
Friday, January 1, 1904

COUNTRIES THAT want to stay competitive and have a eye to the future don't charge their students big tuitions and saddle them with debt.

THE GREATEST GENERATION not only raised taxes to fight its war, they rationed essential goods. The current generation taxes future generations to fight its wars.

SHERIFF JIM HAMMOND ought to be ashamed. This day and age and only one woman on his posse?

TYPICAL TEA/GOP attitude: Scottie Mayfield says Medicaid is just charity! Heaven knows we cannot allow charity in the good old U.S.A.!

CITY EMPLOYEES did receive pay raises in the form of additional vacation time over the last few years.

ELECTION CAMPAIGN signs posted alongside the roads are a complete blight as well as a distraction! Let our city's visitors enjoy the landscaping!

RICK SMITH, your pettiness is showing.

HCDE, SCHOOL is out for the summer. How about turning off the flashing school-zone lights in front of Central/Brown/Harrison schools!

ARE THE Tennessee Walking Horse fans still looking down on chicken fighting?

NOW THAT Nightfall has done away with smoking, lets keep the Harleys out ... like someone wants to hear that at a concert.

DRIVERS NEVER should attempt passing a cyclist while in the same lane regardless of how far right the cyclist is riding. It's too dangerous.