'Don't put politics above Christ' and more Letters to the Editors

Friday, January 1, 1904

Don't put politics above Christ

Compare David Brooks' "Lincoln" (Times, Nov. 24) with the President of presidents, Jesus Christ.

Brooks: "You can do more good in politics than in any other sphere."

Jesus: "The Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." "Christ died for our sins" shows love; resurrection, power. Putting politics above what Jesus did shows foolish pride.

Brooks: "You can achieve these things only if you ... stain your character ... bamboozle, trim, compromise and be slippery and hypocritical ... get the true believers ... to say things they don't believe."

Compromise, but ... Jesus: "Get behind me, Satan ... [Satan] is a liar, and the father of [lies]."

Brooks: "He had to scuttle a peace process that would've saved thousands of lives ... to achieve a larger objective."

Maybe, but devout Wilberforce abolished British slavery without killing a million people.


Cartoon petty, mean-spirited

Clay Bennett's cartoon on Thanksgiving Day depicting Romney and wife serving "crow" was uncalled for and mean-spirited. It was petty and unnecessary -- particularly on a day where we all give thanks for our blessings. Clay Bennett, you should be ashamed.



Krugman keeps his partisan ways

Does the Times run Paul Krugman's columns just to make local conservatives crazy? Or am I crazy to read them?

In "Grand old planet," Krugman continues his partisan-baiting ways by making an ideological mountain out of a molehill of a comment by Sen. Rubio of Florida. Beginning with Rubio's evasive response to a question about the age of the earth (do liberals ever get such questions -- and why do conservatives give such questioners the time of day?), Krugman builds a case that Rubio is typical of Republicans who blithely refuse to take global warming seriously, or even more egregiously, who refuse to be persuaded by evidence "not just toward biology, but toward everything." Wow, this guy is smarter than anyone knew.

Putting aside the partisan overkill, let the record show that most of the notable scientists of the early modern period were unabashed creationists who believed in a young earth. The discoveries of Galileo, Newton, Pascal and numerous others were not hindered by their faith presuppositions; the same is true of contemporary Bible-believing scientists, some of whom hold to old earth views and others to the traditional young earth view, but all of whom acknowledge that there are mysteries which God alone knows.


Lookout Mountain, Ga.