Many don't care about Earth's age and other letters to the editors

Many don't care about Earth's age

Paul Krugman's "Grand old planet" piece (Nov. 24) must have been a red-faced embarrassment to anyone who read it pre-publication. Krugman, a Nobel winner in the economics and politics category, agonizes over whether the Earth is 6,000 years old or millions of years old, with the fear that the search for raw materials underground may be at risk from religious disrespect of scientific certainties. He writes, "How are we going to search effectively for natural resources if schools trying to teach modern geology must give equal time to claims that the world is only 6,000 years old?"

I fear Mr. Krugman's attempt to bash Marco Rubio before the 2016 election, if there will be one, you have overlooked at least a couple of facts that are beyond question.

First, the 6,000-year thought is not universally accepted by Christians, and in any case, Jehovah God was excused from class many years ago.

Second, folks who dig in the ground are not influenced by whether it is a billion years old or from the day before yesterday. They smell money and may not even know how to spell science, theology or Krugman. Good grief! Get a grip.


Cut dirty business in government

Are political party falsehoods protected by First Amendment free speech rights? Whether you believe in broad or deliberate definitions of it, an early election history precedent may exist; due to varying definitions of the republic itself, election campaigns included some tantrums. Now they're so calculated we can only understand free speech with developmental theory.

Theory No. 1: A specific right: Citizens may openly criticize government without fear of punishment. Development: published or repeated slander or ridicule in the press or by Internet. Subject to civil suit or criminal trial, and challenges Theory No. 2.

Theory No. 2: Broad and controversial. Due to Supreme Court leeway, public obscenity and pornography often allowed, but usually determined by towns and cities. Development: Due to government infringement on Amendments IV and I, private-sector surveillance and wiretapping occurs, and public objections usually are ignored.

Where government leads, populations follow. We need strong standards that diminish dirty business in politics and government. Otherwise Americans can't feel comfortable riding buses -- or seeking office.

Republican and Democratic parties, fearing free discussion of constitutional problems, usually exclude third-party candidates. Right-to-vote issues win in unbiased courts and lose where voting isn't seen as guaranteed free speech.


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