Bullying has no place, in our schools or cars and other letters to the editors

Bullying has no place, in our schools or cars

Having read and watched numerous reports of the bullying in the schools, I wonder if there is an aggressive attempt by many to put an end to this.

There are now several websites focusing on "bullying drivers."

If all parents and all adults review these websites of bullying drivers, they should notice that children are great imitators of what their parents and other adults do.

Bullying in our schools has to stop. Bullying on our roads also has got to stop.

ROGER GROTT, Cleveland, Tenn.

Smith's transfer is a promotion

When I first heard of Dr. Paul Smith, the former principal of Howard, being transferred to a middle school, it reminded me of my own experience. I found a similar transfer to be extremely rewarding. Middle-school students are often described as very challenging, with many disciplinary issues. Yet this is an important developmental time in their lives. Our staff and community were very invested, creative and collaborative in our efforts, planning and strategies. We truly accepted the fact that it does take a "village," and the youths' participation in the planning of activities also is important.

High-school preparation and dropout prevention are major goals at this age. Creative motivation, the recognition and the rewarding of improvements without being discriminatory was also key. In this spirit, our school designed a very successful project called "The Blue Ribbon Society." And as a result, "peer pressure" became a very positive role model. The educators and students required open, strong, supportive and skilled leadership. Therefore, it is my opinion that Dr. Smith's transfer should viewed as a promotion.


Bus driver's stance deserved better play

Your article in reference to the Alabama bus driver who, when faced with an armed gunman, stood fast and protected his student riders, to his death, should have been placed on the front page, not the back page of the Metro & Region section.

I am sure that the pig with the wheels for legs wouldn't have minded. I know that the story may be old, but the recent release of the facts regarding this incident demand greater attention.


Proper seating is a no-brainer

"Don't spend a dime of taxpayer money to get the comfy chair." This was the quote from Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke, in explaining that his staffers would not be allowed to have lavish office accommodations.

His intentions are good, but I fear "His Honor" is being penny-wise and pound -foolish in his attempt to convince voters they elected the right fiscal conservative.

Mismatched, scarred and war-torn desks do not create a problem. Workers sitting in chairs that are worn out, or are not a good fit for their particular body styles, is a big problem. One that can pay future negative dividends for the occupants of those chairs and the city, in terms of productivity, lost work hours and insurance claims.

I don't have a dog in this hunt, but even from the south side of the Georgia-Tennessee state line, we know that all posteriors are not created equal. Make them use two boards laid across sawhorses for a desk, but make sure they have proper seating. It's a no-brainer.

JOHN SHIVERS, Calhoun, Ga.

Crud is collecting on 'Melting Pot'

They call America the Great Melting Pot. I am so glad to live in a country where someone who wants to speak out against a person's religion or skin color is free to do so. There is plenty of that in Tennessee today with all the anti-Muslim American hate groups located here.

It's sad to watch good people do nothing to stop the spread of this hate and fear to innocent people. Maybe if more good people were to speak out more it would help to keep this crud from collecting on the bottom of our wonderful "Melting Pot."

DAVID CLARK, Tullahoma, Tenn.

Welfare system bad for families

David Cook's column, "Educational apartheid in Chattanooga," is fatally flawed because of his premise that "schools, ideally, are the most important place in our society." I believe that home is the most important place. When politicians started the welfare system to provide public housing, food and money to the low income, they systematically began to dismantle the families of the recipients. The federal government relieved the parents of the responsibility to provide and care for their family. The politicians that support the welfare system knew that welfare recipients would be dependent on them and support them with their votes. Integration of the public schools was supposed to provide everyone with an equal education. It has not, because the problem is not a lack of money or a lack of quality education.

The students from dysfunctional families are not receptive to education. You generally cannot educate someone from a background that does not build a foundation for learning and puts no value on education. We did not get here overnight, and we cannot fix this overnight, but the first step is to repudiate the politicians who promote the welfare system that is so detrimental to a sound family structure.


Government there when no one else is

Regarding Dalton Roberts' TVA column: Amen! Most forget (or never knew) that, without TVA, Tennesseans would still be using kerosene lanterns and fanning themselves. Ditto Nevada, which would be populated mostly by rattlesnakes, Gila monsters and tarantulas sans Hoover Dam. No NASA? No space. Panama Canal anyone?

Private investors simply won't take on such mammoth projects, but will gladly step in and suck off profits after the fact, if allowed. Roberts' comment that, "... everything can be improved including Corker," should read "especially Corker." He's right on Alexander, too. I don't like his (or any reporter's) claiming "inside" or unnamed sources. We have no way of knowing if his source is someone close to the president or merely a local redneck bubba bad-mouthing Obama, as they are wont to do.


Some information can be damaging

I shuddered when I learned that the Internal Revenue Service is going to administer health care for 300 million Americans. My advice to anyone entering a hospital: if you belong to the tea party or supported Herman Cain, keep it to yourself.

JOHN COLE, East Ridge

Don't be persuaded by false predictions

Isn't it time to start talking impeachment?

Consider all the broken promises, especially the one about transparency. Pay attention to the trillions in debt. What about his socialistic views that have been foisted on the public. My personal favorite is the way he has led his sheep down the garden path, those who still will not recognize the truth but continues back his play and defend him to the death. Yes, the death of a once great country. You liberals know of whom I speak.

Read the items in this column, daily, to see the misguided majority opinions who refuse to believe that he is anything but the savior he pretends to be. I wonder how many of those voters can conscientiously apply reason in lieu of blind faith.

Vote "the bums out," start at the top. Think of someone besides yourself, think of the big picture. Think of the others while remembering "he who knows not and knows not that he knows not, his is simple, teach him."

Don't be persuaded with false predictions, and try to think of any promise he has kept.

J.J. PERRI, Ooltewah

Letter writer very informative

I'd like to thank the gentleman who wrote the letter in the (May 30) paper, explaining the differences between "Liberal" and "Conservative."

I've never understood which political 'suasion I might fit; now I see that being uneducated, un-Christian, dogmatic and heedless of others, I am obviously "conservative." Thank you, sir, for informing me.

A tremendous burden is lifted from my mind.

Now I can cancel my memberships in Christianity, society and humanity.

Do I get refunds?


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