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Friday, January 1, 1904

When a black person makes racial comments we don't get as mad, so why are we getting so mad at this guy? ... It's getting really old, people.

- Matt Newcomb


Hammond is right in his observation. I believe there is a lot of truth in what he's saying.

- Frank Johnson


I don't usually EVER agree with that man, however, that was a poor headline taken out of context to get readers.

- Robin DeBord Brooks


If this is the prevailing view in law enforcement in the Chattanooga area, is it any wonder that the beating referred to in your other article took place?

- Steve Smith


It isn't the president. It is the resentful, intolerant, and ignorant reactions by ... the people that fuel unrest and insecurity. It has been far too many years of irresponsible citizenship and poor decisions by the public.

- Joe Erwin


This is a disgustingly sad reality being relayed by a tone-deaf official. Everything about this is terrible. I'm sure it will make national news. Way to go, hometown!

- Libby Clark


Read for comprehension. He's commenting on the hysterical fear of Obama by several of the good citizens of Hamilton County.

- C.L. Smith

I don't think Sheriff Hammond made racist remarks. He just admitted that part of the unrest, especially in this area, is because the president is black. That's true. There is nothing wrong in him stating facts.

- L.M. Coe