Mohney: Finding true love in Christian faith

Dr. Kevin Kiswani is a soft-spoken, extremely articulate speaker with a riveting message. Never before have I invited someone, whom I've never heard speak, to teach my Sunday School class. Yet, I trusted completely the people who recommended Kiswani. They were right. I've never heard a clearer description of the difference between the Islamic and Christian faiths.

A native of Jordan, Kevin migrated with his family to the United States in 1987. It took quite an adjustment when they moved here, but Kevin Kiswani came to love the freedom and the "can do" spirit of our citizens. He also likes the joy and love he found in the Christian faith.

His brother was the first in the family to become a Christian. Later, Kevin and his three sisters converted to Christianity. "What attracted you to this faith?" I asked. He hesitated only momentarily then replied, "First, I was attracted to your faith because I found Christians to be kind and very accepting of us. It seemed to me that we served a God we feared, but you served a God of love. I found my entire spirit opening to a God like that."

Kevin is a pharmacist by profession and is married to a lovely American wife, Lila, from Maryland. They have three beautiful children, ages 3, 6, and 9. While the children went to our Children's Sunday School, the two adults seemed totally at home with our class organization and the hymns we sang.

To have your complete life make a 180-degree turn must have been an unsettling experience for Kevin Kiswani. Yet, he speaks of Jesus with such love and respect that it made me wonder if we Christians recognize the true power of the faith we profess.

I left the class on Sunday not only giving thanks for the Kiswani family, but also determined to seek to live out my faith to the best of my ability for the time I have left on Planet Earth. Our world is in too much trouble not to try to make a difference for good.

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