Grand Thoughts: Respecting others a little more means yelling at them a lot less

Monday, February 17, 2014

Don't yell at me. Please.

It's rude. It hurts my feelings, and I promise I won't yell at you.

Seriously, yelling at people, most notably children, is just mean.

I've got a theory that children whose parents or other adults yell at them on a fairly regular basis are the adults who grow up and yell at other people - children and adults. And it's hard to like someone who always appears angry.

We're all guilty of yelling. I've recently noticed how my young granddaughters react when someone, whether it's a peer or an adult, yells at them. It breaks their hearts and, in turn, breaks mine.

There are occasions, though, when a yell is necessary - if a child attempts to run away from you in a parking lot; if he or she reaches for something on a hot stove. A yell can save a child from injury.

I'm fortunate that I work with adults who respect one another and I never hear someone raising their voice at another, unless it's in fun. It's important to me that my children and grandchildren are respectful of others and that others are respectful of them.

But don't yell at a child - or another adult - because he or she has done something you didn't like or because you are in a bad mood and can't control your temper. Calm down and talk in a normal voice. Respect others no matter the age. It makes everybody happier - especially children who look to us for love, protection and trust.

My husband and I vacation in Jamaica every year where the word "respect" is spoken often. When a Jamaican greets you, he or she typically says "respect." They expect you to respect them and they, in turn, will respect you.

I think Americans could learn to respect others a little more and yell a lot less.