Morris Hill drivers asked to slow down - and more letters to the editors

Morris Hill drivers asked to slow down

To those of you using Shallowford Road and Morris Hill Road as a shortcut to East Brainerd Road, you have every right to do so, but won't you please slow down and keep to your side of the middle line.

Many of us living in the neighborhoods that branch off these roads are having difficulty pulling onto the road due to your excessive speeds.

There are blind curves and hills along this stretch, and I have had several close calls with oncoming vehicles that stray to the left.

That, along with drivers occupied with cellphones and texting, are creating a particular driving hazard in this area.

LARRY McGEE, East Brainerd

Explore libraries to see changes

In her Oct. 19 article, Joy Lukachick Smith left out a very important word, "some," which I have inserted in her headline: "Book purge called necessary, but pains some library supporters."

If you are wondering about the news reports about the library, I suggest you visit one or more of the branches.

Explore the fourth floor of the downtown library, which used to be a huge storeroom, to see what you can learn and do. Take a child and visit the second floor to learn what is being offered now and being planned for children ages 0 to teen.

Go to the South Chattanooga branch and see the transformation going on there. Look in on the Eastgate and Northgate libraries.

Be grateful Corinne Hill has made arrangements for all Hamilton County School students and their families to have access to these libraries, whether they live in the city or not.

I am one of the many library users who support the changes that Hill has made.

I love books, but they are of value only if they are used.


Student troubled by Catanzaro's actions

As a student at Chattanooga State, I take my academic career seriously.

I have found Chattanooga State a great place to study, with excellent professors and staff who aim to help students succeed.

That is why I am extremely disappointed by the comments made by Dr. Catanzaro in the article "Catanzaro Defends Aide He Put in No. 2 Position."

His comments show a clear bias toward the administrator under question and undermine everything students, faculty and staff work toward.

If he believes it is not important for Haynes to have a degree, how can he think that it is important for any student to obtain a degree at Chattanooga State?

Most students here are not working toward a degree to work in academia but completing technical degrees, or using Chattanooga State as a springboard to transfer to a four-year college.

Despite this controversy, I am thankful for the time the faculty and staff invest in the students.

I intend to use the degree I obtain from Chattanooga State to achieve the goals I have set out for myself, with or without Dr. Catanzaro's support.


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