Salaries, bonuses in the news reveal misplaced priorities and other letters to the editors

Salaries, bonuses in the news reveal misplaced priorities

Getting ready for work, I heard about a baseball player who signed a 13-year contract for over $300 million - that's $60,000 a day - more than I make in a year. I then saw a TFP headline reporting a bonus of $11,000 for each TVA employee. I'm a teacher. Several years ago when teachers in Hamilton County were given a one-time bonus, I was thrilled with $288. I love my job. It's a calling I've enjoyed for 35 years. I'm thankful to have a job.

Somehow, in my opinion, things are a little upside down. I'm educating people who will be accountants, lawyers and publicists. I'm educating people whom corporations will hire, who will repair your cars, who will clean your homes and who will teach your grandchildren. I'm educating your future plumbers, nurses, cashiers and pharmacists. Is the work teachers do so undervalued? When talk comes up of "having" to give a raise to teachers, please remember, it will benefit more than just me. Good, adequately paid teachers benefit everyone.

Roberta Echols

Closing of Station House a big loss

The planned closing of the Station House at the Choo Choo is very disappointing, as there are so few completely family-oriented venues in the city. We bring visitors and family for a wonderful evening of dining and entertainment. Comedy clubs and oyster bars will not fill that void. And the history of the building -- beams from Carnegie Steel in Pittsburgh -- cannot be ignored. I do hope those making decisions will reconsider, or someone will take this opportunity to continue family entertainment in a nearby location. It will be an unfortunate loss to both the Choo Choo and the city.

Jim and Roxana Wall, Dunlap, Tenn.

Have we heard best Wi-Fi names?

I am surprised at how dull and uninteresting the five choices are for naming the city's public Wi-Fi. I expected the names to choose from to be clever and unique to the city's history and character today as a gig city. I request that Mayor Berke release a complete list of all the submissions entered for the contest that "a group of community leaders" saw to be published in the Times Free Press. It should be the voice of the community that chooses which entries are the top five best of the best. I refuse to believe these five names are the best Chattanoogans had to offer for suggestions to represent our innovative city to our visitors and to the world online.

Kellie Carter

Band member upset at lack of support

I am a student in a local high school band program and would like to address an issue that directly affects our program. We get no extra money for our program except our director's salary. We do not get any money for our costumes, flags or new supplies for our classroom such as chairs or music stands. Our band has been in the Macy's parade in 2007 and 2013, the Disney Christmas parade in 2011 and the Chicago Thanksgiving parade in 2012. We need to replace several of our larger pieces of equipment but do not have the funds to do so. We started selling raffle tickets to help purchase new equipment but have not been able to sell all 300 tickets. Some schools get help for things they need but not Ooltewah. We would like to know what our taxes pay for.

Kenny Burgess, Ooltewah

Silent must speak on immigration

President Obama is declaring he is going to sign an executive order effectively giving amnesty to 4 million to 5 million illegal aliens. This blatant action would circumvent the constitutional process and would prevent Congress from having any say. This action would destroy the constitutional protection of power, and it would create the most serious crisis this country has faced in recent years. The Constitution does not allow for dictators. If our president follows through on his declaration, he will become America's first dictator. What recourse do we have? Our last line of defense is supposed to be the Constitution. If it is trampled by our president, what protection do we have left? We can't wait for Republicans to stop this. They are being ignored by this president anyway. We can't wait for the Supreme Court, either. What must happen? I would call for millions of Americans to speak up in protest using the strongest language in every media avenue available and not stop until the president's action is rescinded, or better yet, dropped. We must use our freedom of speech. The silent majority cannot remain silent on this issue.

Jerry Johns, Ringgold, Ga.

Churches have lost their way

Drive around any Sunday evening and notice how many church sanctuaries are dark and closed. Seems we only honor the Lord's day with sanctuary services on Sunday mornings to soothe our consciousness, and then retreat to our home TVs or small classrooms for worship at night. Deacons, choir members, their families and staff fail to set an example anymore. I suppose Sunday night football is too tempting. A Christian nation? Doesn't look like it to me. While staff salaries and benefits keep climbing, our churches are being turned into entertainment businesses to keep dollars rolling in. Not all are guilty. Find a family in need, a missionary, a hungry child, an old person without heat, a mission or a pro-life clinic for your tithes and offerings. God cannot be pleased with most churches anymore. Remember "Christian" means Christ-like. Is this the way God would want us to serve? I think not. Shame on us all!

Bill Reesor, Ooltewah

Questions posed for recent voters

Are the majority of the voters delusional in: 1. Believing that voting to allow legislators to put restrictions on abortions will stop people from having sex or having abortions? 2. Believing that by voting against the Democratic Party that gay people will disappear and will not want to be members of our society? 3. Why do people who show bias against other people instead of helping them succeed not realize it could be them being discriminated against later on?

Carl Brackin, Georgetown, Tenn.

Could use a little heat right now, Mr. Gore

Al Gore, please send us some of your global warming!

Larry Foster

Flag portrayal OK for cartoonist's message

I am a veteran of Vietnam, and I saw Clay Bennett's Nov. 9 drawing. I am not offended for the "upside down flag." In case you did not know, it is a sign of "distress, help, SOS." Since it was on the left side of the paper, I am sure he meant that the Democrats were in trouble and needed someone to help them. As a matter of fact, after Obama was elected the second time, I hung my flag upside down for a week. No one said anything to me. I guess that no one knows what it means.

David Bell Cleveland, Tenn

Pride goeth before a fall

Thomas Jefferson once ordered Bibles printed for the Native Americans out of public money. It is regrettable he didn't have an ACLU judge or lawyer to inform him how unconstitutional his act was. Or when states, cities or counties passed laws against profanity, for violating the Lord's day, how they must have wished they had one of our Supreme Court judges to help them understand they couldn't do it because it violated the First Amendment. Oh, the glories of an enlightened age! Pride cometh before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. The Bill of Rights banquet is Dec. 13 in Dayton. Attend and be better informed.

June Griffin, Dayton, Tenn.

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