Alexander warns on ObamaCare

President Barack Obama and the liberal Democrat majority in Congress have managed to foist off a tremendously expensive socialized medicine plan on the American people in the form of ObamaCare. But Tennessee's Sen. Lamar Alexander gave us fair warning of what's coming, and recently reiterated it.

"The Obama administration's own report now confirms what Republicans feared all along -- that the new health care law will add to the federal debt and lead to higher health insurance costs for Americans," he said.

"Republicans respectfully warned the president at the White House health care summit that his plan would increase individuals' health premiums, and now it turns out Medicare's chief actuary says those fears were justified.

"Most Americans realize this law is an historic mistake because it expands a system everyone knows we can't afford instead of lowering costs so more Americans can afford to buy quality health insurance.

"The administration and the Democratic majority should heed this warning about what happens when Congress passes partisan legislation written behind closed doors."

Sen. Alexander's warning was unheeded. So, sadly, we will see the high costs rise in the years ahead.

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