
CLASSY FRONT page for 9/11 then you ruin it with a crass stick-on ad. Show me the money, Times Free Press.

THE PRESIDENT addresses Congress on unemployment. Fox affilitate boycotts coverage and shows rerun of "My Name is Earl" -- a show about unemployment. Balanced!

IT ISN'T CONSUMERS, but rather corporations that are without confidence. If they'd hire us, we'd have income to spend on their product. Duh!

HOW IS LOWERING payroll Social Security (an already depleated fund) tax going to create jobs and keep Social Security solvent?

MR. MAYOR, if you spend so much money on the Wilcox Tunnel to renovate it, are you going to charge county residents to use it?

FORCE TRUCKS and tractor-trailers into extreme right lane at the Ridge Cut on I-24 East. Traffic problem solved. End of story, end of discussion!

POLICE REPORTS should be available either online or via e-mail. CPD, time to join the 21st century.

WHY DO MY fellow Southerners insist on re-enacting a war that, thankfully, we lost?

WHO CARES about a washed-up, Bible-thumping former politician's opinion of BlueCross? Let him buy an ad. Front-page story? Gimme a break!

IT'S OFFICIAL! Red Bank illegally tickets right-on-red. Where's my refund?

PEOPLE, PEOPLE, please! There is a "l" in Ooltewah. Why is that so hard to pronounce?

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