Collegedale, Tenn.: City Profile

photo Sculptor Wayne Hazen works on one of to large pieces of granite on the campus of Southern Adventist University in Collegedale. His sculpture, depicting prophets Elisha and Elijah in the Bible, has been 10 years in the making.

"To me, one of the most comfortable aspects of life in 'Happy Valley' is running into someone I know every day, nearly everywhere I go."

- Ray Minner, retired Collegedale Academy high school teacher

Location: Right off Interstate 75's exit 9, Collegedale is in Hamilton County's southeastern quadrant.

Size: About eight square miles, all land.

Founded: 1968

Population: 8,282

Government: John Turner is mayor. Residents elect five commissioners. Commissioners elect one of themselves to be mayor. Commissioners choose a city manager, who serves at the commission's discretion.

Schools: A.W. Spalding Elementary School, Collegedale Academy, Southern Adventist University

Attraction: Home to McKee Foods, producer of Little Debbie snack cakes. McKee is one of Hamilton County's largest employers. Wolftever Greenway is a wonderful place to take a walk.

Fun fact: Little Debbie makes 160 products.

Famous residents: O.D. McKee, one of several pivotal individuals who decided to move the family snack-making business to Collegedale. In May 2010, McKee Foods celebrated its fifth decade of using the Little Debbie name. The company prepared a 75-pound Oatmeal Creme Pie, which hundreds devoured in celebration.

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