The Rant

Power failures/outages; TVA, EPB saying conserve power. Is it reckless to continue adding thousands of houses when power grid can't support current customers?

The top college coach in the nation knows when to retire. Why don't our political leaders know this?

Does anyone really look forward to living next door to a baseball park? Minors are in decline. Don't let developers bamboozle us again.

Robber of armored truck shot by armored truck guard in Chattanooga. 1+1 does equal 2.

Ticketgate 2.0. State legislature criticizes music entertainment ticket industry, while imposing General Assembly ticketing requirement on citizens wishing to observe legislative business. Line up.

Bet those who paid a premium to live on Signal because of the "great schools" are excited about the B grades at SMMHS and Nolan.

Roadside sign seen in Highlands, North Carolina: Show some class, don't toss your trash. Something Tennesseans seriously need to heed.

When snow closes almost every school and business, wouldn't it make more sense for media to publish names of places that are open?

Racing Riverwalk in spandex underwear on 18-pound road bike? Don't bother. No exercise benefit. Only creating congestion, terrorizing pedestrians.

Every time I hear it, I wonder why: Why does the cold weather shelter close at 6 a.m. when that is typically the coldest?

Why are we so focused on skin color? Why does the color of a person's skin matter? It's what's inside that matters.

Bill O'Reilly backed Florida's book bans until they banned his book. Now that's karma. He definitely had it coming.

If you send a letter anonymously, it's worthless. If you protest in a mask, your effort is worthless. If you don't vote, your voice is worthless.

Dr. Fauci and Donald Trump share a common goal: immunity! Fauci seeks immunity from viruses. Trump seeks immunity from prosecution.

The Iowa caucuses give too much influence in the primaries to undereducated, rural, white MAWA adherents. For those who can't figure it out: Make America White Again.

Evangelicals vote for what is best for the whole country. We're not a cult, but independent, thoughtful, unwoke citizens. The historical soul of America.

So, godless Iowa bowed down to the idol "Orange Jesus."

To those who say Bidenomics is working, I say a) popular sentiment says otherwise, and b) please help me pay for my groceries, rent and other essentials.

The reason Trump hasn't been charged with insurrection is that the Secret Service wouldn't drive him to the Capitol. Think he's thanked them for that?

What will it take for people to see that Joe Biden, his leadership and steady hand are good for the country? We cannot go back.

Congress doesn't have the right to ask for a pay raise until they have done some work. Impeachments don't count.

No, ranter. Hamas was elected once, 18 years ago. Nothing in this world can justify genocidal killing of 4,000 human beings — mostly women and children.

The Squad needs to get its priorities straight. We stand by Israel, period

24,000 have been killed in Gaza. Have you been avenged yet, Israel?

Electoral College: A diabolical 1790 booby trap where our cherished myth of "one man, one vote" goes to die.

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